Have you recently had a tooth extracted? Are you considering replacement options? Some dental replacement options are a bridge, partial, denture or a dental implant.

What are my options after a dental extraction? If you are missing one or two teeth consecutively, you may be a candidate for a bridge. A bridge would be fitted over two natural teeth, on to the left, and one to the right of the empty space and cemented in place. This makes a bridge a fixed replacement option, or an option that is not taken in and out by the patient.

What are some other options for tooth replacement after a dental extraction? An alternative to a bridge is a partial. This option would replace a few missing teeth on one appliance. This option is removable, in other words would be able to be taken in and out by the patient themselves at home. Partials usually have clasps that hug the neighboring teeth for support and retention.

Are any other options after having all my teeth extracted? Yes! Dentures are a common alternative to natural teeth once all dentition has been removed. Dentures fit over the gums and often are adhered into place. Dentures do not function as well as natural teeth as they have no natural retention or support. Therefore, patients often end up researching denture options retained by dental implants.

What are my options are a dental extraction? Dental implants are a great solution after dental extractions. Dental implants are used to single spaces, bridges, and denture retention. Which means whether you are missing one, three or all of your teeth, dental implants may be for you! For single tooth replacement a dental implant would be placed by your dentist, monitored while it integrated/ healed, and a crown would be added to compete the restoration process. In the case of a implant retained bridge the implant(s) would be placed, monitored while they healed/ integrated, and the bridge would be cemented or screwed into place. Lastly, dental implants with dentures, dental implants can be used to snap a denture in and out for better retention, or you may choose to have your denture fixed. A fixed denture would mean that only your dental professional would be able to remove your denture for regular maintenance and repairs.

Overall, there are many options for tooth replacement. So, do not be worried. The best place to start to evaluate your options would be your dentist. Your dentist will be able to properly evaluate you and offer appropriate treatment options for your specific needs!